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Research field: ADC, DRAM and High-speed Cache SRAM Buffer Memory Chips, Micro Controller Chips, Semiconductor Chips for AIPS Robotics, Solar Cell Energy Solutions.
Professor, Sojo University, Japan.
Hagiwara graduated California Institute of technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California in USA with BS71 with honor, MS1972 and PhD1975 with the major in Electric Engineering and with the minor in Physics. In February1975, he joined Sony in Tokyo, Japan and was engaged first in the early development of Sony image sensors. While working for Sony from 1975 to 2008, he was engaged in the early developments of image sensor and the digital camera chip set including the ADC, DRAM and high-speed Cache SRAM buffer memory chips and micro controller chips. Before retiring from Sony at the end of July 2008, he was engaged in the PS2 and PS3 chip set developments. He was invited to talk at CCD1979, ECS1980, ESSCIRC2001, ESSCIRC2008 and ISSCC2013. While working at Sony until July 2008, he was serving as a visiting professor at Caltech since 1998 to 1999 in the office of Prof. C. A. Mead in Electrical Engineering department and also in the offices of Prof. T.C. McGill and Prof. James McCaldin in Applied Physics department. He was also serving as a visiting professor since 2003 till 2006 in the office of Prof. Haruo Kobayashi in Electrical Engineering department at Gunma University in Japan.
In 1992 he also served as a member of JEDEC memory standardization committee and also as the IEC TC47 technical committee chair of the international standard committee (IEC). He also served as the international program chair and an operational committee member in IEEE EDS sponsored ICMTS conferences, IEEE ISSCC conferences for which he served as the ISSCC Asian Committee chair and also as the ISSCC international technical program committee (ITC) chair in series. He was also a member in the program committee (PC) and the operational committee (OC) and is now serving in the advisory committee (AC) of the IEEE Cool Chips conferences in series. He also taught from 2020 to 2021 the AIPS, Artificial Intelligent Partner System for AI robotics at Kanagawa Institute of Technology in Japan.
In 2008 he founded and worked as the president of Artificial Intelligent Partner System, AIPS, a nonprofit research organization, NPO, registered by Kanagawa prefecture government in Japan. Since 2017, he is serving as an operational committee (OC) member and also as a technical program committee (PC) member of Department of Education in Society of Semiconductor Industry Specialists (SSIS) in Japan. Since 2009 till 2017, he taught graduate and undergraduate students as a full professor of Information and Communication Science department and is still now serving as a specially appointed professor at the president office in Sojo University in Kumamoto-city, Japan working for developments of semiconductor chips for AIPS robotics and Solar Cell energy solutions. He is Caltech Distinguished Alumni, IEEE Life Fellow and AAIA Fellow.
Research field: Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems, Smart Grid and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen Energy Technologies, Solar Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems Engineering, Electro-Mechanical-Chemical Energy Conversion and Management, Power System Dynamics, Electrical Machines, Energy Conversion and Management, Techno-Economics of Energy Systems.
Professor, University of Agder, Norway.
Prof. Dr. Mohan Lal Kolhe is a full professor in smart grid and renewable energy at the Faculty of Engineering and Science of the University of Agder (Norway). He is a leading renewable energy technologist with three decades of academic experience at the international level and previously held academic positions at the world's prestigious universities, e.g., University College London (UK / Australia), University of Dundee (UK), University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), Hydrogen Research Institute, QC (Canada), etc. In addition, he was a member of the Government of South Australia's first Renewable Energy Board (2009-2011) and worked on developing renewable energy policies. Prof. Kolhe is an expert evaluator of many prestigious international research councils (e.g., European Commission: Erasmus+ Higher Education – International Capacity Building, Royal Society London (UK), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC UK), Cyprus Research Foundation, etc.). Professor Kolhe has successfully won competitive research funding from the prestigious research councils (e.g., Norwegian Research Council, EU, EPSRC, BBSRC, NRP, etc.) for his work on sustainable energy systems. His research works in energy systems have been recognized within the top 2% of scientists globally by Stanford University's 2020, 2021 matrices. He is an internationally recognized pioneer in his field, whose top 10 published works have an average of over 175 citations each.
Research field: Power Systems, Power System Dynamics and Stability, Power System Cybersecurity, Power System Operation and Control, Dynamic State Estimation, Frequency Control, Smart Grids, and Practical Microgrids.
Senior Research Fellow, Monash University, Australia.
Dr. Alhelou was listed in the Top 2% of scientists in the world by the Stanford University database in 2022 and included in the 2018 & 2019 Publons and Web of Science (WoS) list of the top 1% of best reviewers and researchers in the field of engineering and cross-fields over the world. He was the recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award from many journals, e.g., Energy Conversion and Management (ECM), ISA Transactions, and Applied Energy. He was the recipient of the best young researcher in the Arab Student Forum Creative among 61 researchers from 16 countries at Alexandria University, Egypt, 2011. He also received the Excellent Paper Award 2021/2022 from IEEE CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (SCI IF: 3.938; Q1). He regularly publishes in top-tier journals. His research papers received more than 4500 citations with an H-index of 36 and an i10-index of 100. He authored/edited 7 books published in reputed publishers such as Springer, IET, Wiley, Elsevier, and Taylor & Francis. He serves as an editor in a number of prestigious journals such as IEEE Systems Journal, Computers and Electrical Engineering (CAEE-Elsevier), IET Journal of Engineering, and Smart Cities. He has also performed more than 800 reviews for high prestigious journals, including IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Energy, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Dr. Alhelou has participated in more than 15 international industrial projects over the globe and secured more than $1M funds.
Research field: Trust IC Design, Hardware Security and Quantum Cryptography.
Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Bah-Hwee Gwee received his BEng (Hons) degree from University of Aberdeen, UK, in 1990. He received his MEng and PhD degrees from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 1992 and 1998 respectively. He been an Associate Professor in NTU since 2005. He is currently the Deputy Director of National Integrated Center for Evaluation, Singapore and Assistant Chair (Outreach) for School of EEE, NTU. He has been the PIs and co-PIs of a number of research projects including Singapore NRF, DSO, A*STAR, MoE, DSTA, CSA and USA DARPA with research grants amounting to more than US$15m. He has published more than 200 technical papers, 6 granted US patents and 2 Start-up Companies in 2005 and 2020. He areas of research are in design for trust IC design, hardware security and quantum cryptography. Dr Gwee was the Chairman of IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Singapore Chapter in 2005, 2006, 2013 and 2016. He was the Chairman of IEEE CASS DSP Technical Committee (2019-2020). He was the General Chair of IEEE DSP 2018, IEEE SOCC 2019, IEEE ISICAS 2021 and IEEE ISCAS 2024. He will be the 2025-2026 Chair of the IEEE CAS Society Distinguished Lecturer Program. He had presented keynotes in IEEE PAINE, IEEE APCCAS, IEEE MCSoC and AIPOSH. He has also served as Associate Editors of several journals, including IEEE CAS Magazine (2021-2022) IEEE T-CAS II (2010-2011, 2018-2019 and 2020-2021) and IEEE T-CAS I (2012-2013). He was awarded Temasek Laboratories @ NTU Best Publication Award in 2012, NTU EEE Teaching Excellence Award in 2013 and Singapore Defence Technology Prize (R&D) in 2016. He was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in 2009-2010 and in 2017-2018.
Research field: Modeling and Simulation Nano Devices, Bio Sensing, Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology, VLSI Design and Technology, Solar Photovoltaics.
Associate Professor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India.
Dr. Deepak Kumar Panda, currently working as an Associate Professor in ECE department at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh. Before that, he worked as Associate Professor in the School of Electronics at VIT-AP University, Andhra Pradesh, India. He has done Ph.D. in Semiconductor Device Modelling from NIT Silchar, India, M-Tech in ECE from IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, and B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering from National Institute of Science and Technology, Brahmapur Odisha. He has guided 5 Ph.D. scholars and 4 M.Tech scholars under his supervision. He has published more than 40 research articles in SCI indexed scientific journals. He is an IEEE senior member. He has more than 19 years of teaching and research experience. He has served as the General Chair of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing 2023(AISP23) at VITAP University, the General Chair of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing 2022(AISP22) at VITAP University, and the Technical Program Chair of 1st IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing 2020(AISP20) at VITAP University. He also served as the Frequent Reviewer of IEEE Transactions Journals, IOP Journals, IJNM, Micro-electronics Journal.